Our Services

Individual Sessions:

At Desert Quail Therapy, we offer personalized one-on-one sessions tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether you're referred by a doctor, teacher, or seeking help independently, our goal is to promote healing, relaxation, and improved daily living through specialized therapeutic techniques.

Why Choose Individual Sessions?

Targeted Body Work
Our individual sessions are designed to address specific body work needs, including:

  • Craniosacral Therapy: Gentle techniques to relieve pain and tension.

  • Myofascial Release: Easing tension in the connective tissues.

  • Kinesiotaping: Supporting muscles and joints while promoting healing.

  • Reflex Integration: Enhancing neural and motor functions.

Restorative Sessions
Utilizing bolsters and other props, we facilitate:

  • Deep Relaxation: Promoting nervous system resetting.

  • Muscle Elongation: Gentle, sustained stretches to reduce inflammation and improve flexibility.

Specialized Therapies
Our unique offerings include:

  • Pool Work: Aquatic therapy to enhance mobility and reduce pain.

  • Hippotherapy: Using the movement of a horse to achieve therapeutic goals, impacting the body, emotions, and nervous system positively.

The Process

  1. Initial Evaluation
    After reaching out for an individual session, we'll conduct a thorough evaluation unless you have a recent and relevant evaluation (within a few months). This evaluation will identify your needs, strengths, and specific occupations (daily living skills) affected by your condition, such as pain or poor balance.

  2. Personalized Plan of Care
    Based on the evaluation, we'll develop a customized plan of care detailing your goals and a basic timeframe. For example:

    • Goal: Participate in meal prep activities 3/5 days per week.

    • Goal: Identify pain reduction strategies 4/5 times during meal prep.

  3. Flexible Therapy Schedule
    Your therapy schedule is tailored to your needs and lifestyle:

    • 2 sessions weekly for 4 weeks

    • Weekly sessions for 6-8 weeks

    • Intensive sessions 5 times a week for 1 week

    • And more, depending on your goals and availability.

  4. Achieving Goals and Discharge
    Once your goals are met, and if there are no further goals to address, you will be discharged. This ensures a clear and focused path to your independence and well-being.

Group Sessions:

Our group sessions offer a supportive and engaging environment where individuals can work on specific therapeutic goals together. These sessions provide a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with others facing similar challenges.

Why Choose Group Sessions?

Collaborative Learning
Group sessions allow you to:

  • Share experiences and learn from others

  • Participate in activities designed to address common concerns

  • Build social connections in a supportive environment

Tailored Group Activities
Each group session is designed around a specific theme, such as "Recreation Activities for Low Vision." Within this framework, we address individual concerns like dining out, hiking, and playing games, ensuring that activities are relevant and beneficial to all participants.

The Process

  1. Initial Consultation
    Before starting the group, we conduct a less formal and thorough evaluation—typically over the phone or via Zoom. This helps us understand your specific needs and how they can be addressed within the group setting.

  2. Customized Group Activities
    Activities are carefully planned to address the group's overall theme while considering individual concerns. For example:

    • Adapted Materials: Learn about adapted leashes, head lamps for better visibility, large playing cards, and various magnifying glasses.

    • Practical Applications: Techniques and tools for dining out, hiking, and engaging in social activities with low vision.

  3. Flexible Scheduling
    Group sessions are scheduled for a predetermined timeframe, such as weekly for 6 weeks. This structure ensures continuity and allows participants to build on their progress over time.


At Desert Quail Therapy, our intensive therapy camps offer a unique blend of group and individual activities designed to address specific therapeutic goals in a focused, immersive setting. These camps provide a concentrated dose of therapy in a short timeframe, maximizing progress and promoting lasting change.

Why Choose Intensive Therapy Camps?

Immersive Experience
Our camps combine the benefits of both group and individual therapy, providing a holistic approach to addressing therapeutic goals. Each day includes:

  • Small group activities for social engagement and collaborative learning

  • Dedicated individual time to focus on personal goals and needs

Tailored to Your Needs
A thorough evaluation is conducted for each participant to develop specific activities that target individual goals. This ensures that every camper receives personalized attention and care.

The Process

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation
    Prior to the camp, we conduct an in-depth evaluation to understand each participant's needs, strengths, and specific goals. This allows us to create a customized therapy plan for the duration of the camp.

  2. Intensive Therapy Schedule
    Our camps are designed for short, intense bursts of therapy. For example, our summer camp runs for 10 days (Monday to Friday for 2 weeks) with 4 hours of therapy each day, totaling 40 hours of concentrated therapeutic activities.

  3. Mixed Activity Format
    Each camp day includes a combination of small group activities and one-on-one therapy sessions. This structure ensures a balanced approach to social interaction and individual progress.

No Discharge Process

Unlike traditional therapy programs, our camps have a set duration with no formal discharge process. The camp concludes at the end of the scheduled period, providing a clear timeframe for participants to focus on their goals and make significant strides.

Camp Availability

We aim to offer one weekend camp each month and 2-3 longer camps per year. This ensures regular opportunities for intensive therapy throughout the year.